Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jints take 2 of 3 from hapless Cubbies

Game 1 in Wrigley Field saw Juan Marichal go 7.2 innings and the Giants win 10-3, even though both teams had 12 hits
Game 2 was a Cubs win Cubs win 8-4 as Burt Hooton throws 7 strong innings and Bruce Sutter pitch the final 2 to hold off the Giants
Game 3 played in Candlestick saw the home team edge the Cubs 4-3. Jim Barr picked up the win, save going to Randy Moffitt, loss taken by Chicago's ace Fergie Jenkins. Giants record now stands at 6-5, Cubs fall farther in to the basement with 3 wins against 8 setbacks.
--submitted by Gene Couture--

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